
Having dwelt in Animal Welfare and Rescues for 13 years, and now, impermanence spare me a lot of time all in a sudden.... 在動物福利和救援行動中浸沉了 13 年之後,無常突然令我多出了很多時間...... 

Time to return to the society, today, we joined the District Councillor in Park Island Beach Cleaning post-Mangkhut.... 是時候回歸社會了。今日,我們就加入了區議員的清潔沙灘行動.... 

Not until you use your own hands to pick bits and pieces up will you realise how much plastic and unnecessary wrappings you are using everyday... 直至你用自己的雙手一件一件的把廢物拾起,你才會意識到原來每天我們都在使用多餘的塑膠和不必要的包裝...... 

So please, love your planet, reduce the use of plastic, reduce the production of garbage, save the 🌎 world 🌍 所以請愛惜你們的地球,減少塑膠的使用,減少廢物的產生,拯救🌍地球🌎的生命