簡單 10 步:麻糬曲奇 (朱古力/抹茶)少甜木薯粉版

上網睇咗好多麻糬曲奇的食譜,都係好似好複雜咁。同埋因為我唔係太食得糯米粉 (glutinous flour),所以就搵咗一個木薯粉 (tapioca flour) 的食譜再加以改良,簡單 10 步就可以做好,即刻同大家分享😀!

其實只要買到材料,真係一 d 都唔難整架 😀


材料 Ingredients:

(A) 曲奇部份 (Cookie part)

中筋麵粉 (plain flour) : 

  • 做朱古力味 - 100g 麵粉 (chocolate flavour 100g plain flour)
  • 做抹茶味 - 110g 麵粉 (matcha flavour 110g plain flour)

梳打粉 (bi-carbonate of soda) - 1/4 茶匙 (teaspoon) 

無糖朱古力粉 (coca powder) - 12g / 抹茶粉 (matcha powder) - 6g 

鹽 (salt) - 1/4 茶匙 (teaspoon)

牛油 (unsalted butter) - 50g

糖 (sugar) - 40g

蛋一隻 (egg) - 30g

(B) 麻糬部份 (Mochi part)

木薯粉 (tapioca flour) - 30g

鮮奶 (fresh milk) - 110g

糖 (sugar) - 20g

牛油 (unsalted butter) - 5g


A. 曲奇部份做法 Cookie Part :

(1) 牛油 和 糖 慢火煮溶,靜止冷卻。Unsalted butter and brown sugar simmer until dissolver, leave to cool.

(2) 麵粉、鹽、梳打粉、朱古力粉/抹茶粉,篩進粉盆內。Sieve plain flour, salt, bi-carborbonate of soda, cocoa powder / matcha powder into the mixing bowl.

(3) 打均蛋液,加入已冷卻的 (1),拌均後,慢慢加入 (2) 的粉盆中。Whisk the egg, add in (1) when cool, mixed and slowly add to the mixing bowl in (2).

(4) 將粉盆內所有材料拌成粉團。Stir to mix all the ingredients in the mixing bowl to form a dough. 

(5) 放入雪櫃 冷藏 2 小時Place inside fridge for 2 hours.

B. 麻糬部份做法 Mochi Part:

(6) 木薯粉、鮮奶 和 糖 用最小火一邊加熱一邊攪拌,等到有 1/3 開始結塊時熄火,繼續用餘溫搞拌,整份成團時放入牛油拌均,放涼備用。Tapioca flour, fresh milk and sugar blend together in minimal heat, turn off the heat when 1/3 of the dough starts coagulate, add in butter and blend together, leave to cool.

C. 最後部份 Final Part:

(7) 預熱焗爐攝氏 170度 15分鐘。Preheat oven for 15 min at 170C.

(8) 將曲奇粉團分成約 25g 一個,麻糬粉團分成約 10g 一個,把麻糬包進去,搓圓壓扁,放在牛油紙上。Divide cookie dough into approx 25g each, mochi dough approx 10g each, wrap each mochi dough into cookie dough, shape into rounds and flatten lightly.  Arrange the cookie on the baking sheet. 

(9) 放入已預熱的焗爐以攝氏 180度烤 12 分鐘。Bake for 12 min at 180C.

(10) 取出後,放在冷卻架上冷卻後便可。Remove from oven, leave to cool on wire rack and serve.
